When existing properties are modernized, this requires special sensitivity and know-how – especially in the case of...
As connecting elements, bridges are central to a functioning transportation infrastructure. Implenia has the know-how to...
After a remarkable journey of over ten kilometers underground, the tunnel boring machine Elektra has broken through...
The new bridge being built near La Barboleuse is one of the largest civil engineering projects in western Switzerland...
On the barrack rooftops on Implenia Norway’s complex infrastructure projects, over 1000 solar panels gleam in the...
Implenia is also in demand wherever expertise is required for complex, inner-city infrastructure projects. In Stockholm,...
As a crane operator, Iris Harnisch is an important aerial hub on every construction site. We meet her at the Papieri...
Site manager Patrick Janka has been with Wincasa for 12 years. What does TOM do for the small team in Chur?
Expertise is gained by seizing the opportunity to do similar things better and better. This also applies to complex...
Two major Alpine crossings are currently under construction in Austria: the Semmering Base Tunnel connects Lower Austria...
In the Geneva municipality of Prégny-Chambésy, Implenia is building a new administration building in the heart of the...
It was a first on this scale for everyone involved: the shell of the new Aarau Cantonal Hospital (KSA) was realized...
In the latest episode of our "Implenia Talk" series, Jan Göttsche and Lutz Geisler discuss the complex construction of...
In our podcast format, we shed light on current topics in conversation with those directly involved. Here, Henning...
High up in northern Germany, on the A7 highway from Hamburg to Denmark, Implenia is working on the replacement of the...
Project engineer Henrik Sandbakken joined Implenia after hearing good things about the company from former fellow...
Joscha Bostelmann started at Implenia as part of his dual study program. He explains why he would highly recommend the...
Civil engineer Julia Geist started working for Implenia in Düsseldorf while she was still studying in Germany. After...
For the Groningen railroad station construction project in the Netherlands, BBV Systems realized an anchor that is...
Newly qualified civil engineer Nadine Bendt is completing the trainee program at Implenia Germany. After working on the...
More than 1,000 employees at Wincasa ensure that the more than 250,000 rental properties under management are in good...
Daniel Seliner is the construction foreman for the new Spitallamm dam. Every year, from May to October, at an altitude...
A façade designed and built entirely by Implenia is the visible sign of the completed refurbishment of the WDR Filmhaus...
Even for experienced construction professionals, this is a construction site of superlatives: 1,900 meters above sea...
A Hamburg landmark shines in new splendor: a good 50 years after its original opening, the newly renovated and expanded...
The work on Sweden's longest road tunnel, the Stockholm Bypass stretching from Häggvik in the north to Kungens Kurva in...
For the Tangenvika railway bridge project, Implenia Norway are using cutting-edge technology within 4D-modelling and AI...
Implenia is deploying innovative ideas to keep the environmental footprint of the Brenner tunnel as small as possible....
Climate change and the increasing demand for energy require huge infrastructure projects, from the generation of...
Modern construction is like high-performance sport. On complex large construction sites, a wide variety of trades work...
If aging properties are to be preserved for future generations, they need a fitness cure. Implenia's modernization team...
In Vernier near Geneva, the "Quartier de l'Etang" is a completely new urban district being built on a former industrial...
The Alto Pont-Rouge project in Geneva will be handed over to the client in mid-2023. The team has had to put in a huge...
Implenia is building Lot 3 of the Mont-Cenis Base Tunnel for TELT Lyon Turin. The base tunnel, which will be 57.5...
We've probably all entered a shopping center at some point. But what exactly happens behind the scenes? How is the...
Bolts serve to reinforce the rock to ensure stable tunnel construction. Doing the bolting manually is a hard and...
When we expand and rebuild Sweden's infrastructure, blasting, drilling and digging for new tunnels is part of the...
Despite state-of-the-art technology and extensive surveys in advance, one can never rule out encountering the unexpected...
Aurélien Dotte, geologist on the large-scale TELT Alpine tunnel project, and passionate problem solver, tells us why he...
Important milestone in the construction of the second Gotthard tube: With its cutting wheel with a diameter of more than...
In our new podcast format, we highlight current topics in conversation with those directly involved. Following the...
Sometimes during construction work, surprising things come to the surface. In Implenia Sweden’s Varberg Tunnel project,...
Sewage sludge is a mixture of water and solids and is produced as an unloved waste product during wastewater treatment,...
Implenia's building construction and façade technology experts are building the new "Berlin Decks" commercial campus...
The Brenner Base Tunnel is one of four major transalpine tunnels currently being built in Europe. Implenia is the only...
In the Swiss town of Aarau, a 70-year-old bridge is giving way to the "Pont Neuf" - the new building stands out for its...
Owing to megatrends like urbanisation and the housing shortage, combined with a growing population, more and more...
What does future-orientated, sustainable, resource-optimised hospitality for tourists look like? Division Real Estate is...
What's going on at Implenia? An overview of progress on some of our key projects across Europe.
Real estate for healthcare and research is a market with huge potential for Division Buildings. Our healthcare and...
What's going on at Implenia? An overview of important new orders and the diversity of our service offering.
The construction period of around 14 years was intensive and challenging, but the result is impressive and unique. The...
A project like this comes around once a century: In the heart of Munich, after more than fifty years, a second trunk...
In Dübendorf, Implenia is building the perfect research environment for Empa and Eawag scientists. A lot of innovation...
How do you successfully bring a US entertainment concept to Europe? What remains, where is there a need for adaptation?...
By obtaining ISO 37001 certification, Implenia Norway has been successfully certified for anti-corruption as one of few...
Construction plans on paper cost money and pollute the environment through paper consumption. How the consistent switch...
Optimum collaboration with customers, use of BIM and Lean, talent development, collaboration with local universities:...
After almost 50 years of use, the historic glass facade of the Alster indoor swimming pool in Hamburg needed renovating:...
How do you build a rail bridge while minimizing traffic obstruction? With the impressive longitudinal and transverse...
The Grand Paris Express is to better connect the French capital and neighboring residential areas by 2030 through the...
Implenia Special Foundations is working on behalf of Deutsche Bahn (DB) to modernise the existing infrastructure around...
Marc Siepmann, Technical Lead at the Implenia’s Essen branch, has adapted and implemented the US entertainment concept...
Greenreb co-founder David Speiser has successfully brought the US entertainment concept Topgolf to Europe as a licensee....
The office and the construction site are two very different worlds. How a three-day internship in the tunnel taught...
How our teams from Sweden and Norway collaborate on machine investments and planning and ensure that valuable BIM...
Larissa Gustafsson, project manager at Implenia Norway, is the first in the Implenia Group to achieve an A+...
The complex, large-scale Îlot Sud project challenged Head of Cladding and Façades Sébastien Depecker to build a complex...
How does collaboration need to work when the schedule for a complex project is so incredibly tight – as in the case of...
Our team in France needed prefabricated concrete elements for its work on the Grand Paris Express – and decided to...
The new wood floor at the Implenia headquarters, Connect, is the result of a huge amount of development work – and 7,000...
Implenia Sverige AB and our client, Administration for the Extended Subway (FUT) - Region Stockholm, have received an...
Sustainability is an integral part of everything Implenia does. Choosing construction products which maintain a high...
Construction season 3 for the Spitallamm dam project is behind us, and work on the large Grimsel construction site at...
Since spring 2021, Antonio Romeo and his team of 23 on the Grünau roadworks in Zürich have been busy building 1.5...
In the second half of 2021, we reached important milestones in many of our projects. A brief overview of the most...
Gregor Lüthi, foreman, Adelino Castro Fernandes, storeman, and trainee Simone Procopio are working on the Green...
For Implenia Norway, work on project SMS 2A continues: In a joint venture with Acciona – MossIA , 132 colleagues are...
As the first project in the Nordic countries, Implenia Sweden is testing an automatic concrete spraying robot in its...
Implenia is breaking new ground in real estate development and using the co-creation approach to product design. Popular...
Materials, techniques and processes in construction have become ever more efficient over the years, but waste disposal...
After more than two years of planning and building work, Implenia moved into its new headquarters in September 2021 –...
It all started with a vision of a wooden floor for the enormous office spaces at Implenia’s new headquarters, Connect....
CERN: The world’s largest and most powerful particle accelerator is located in a 27-kilometre tunnel at a depth of 100...
Implenia is breaking new ground in the area of property development and conducted the project competition for the first...
In collaboration with the Fraunhofer Institute, the Façade Technology team is developing a modular façade system that...
If you stop getting better, you soon stop being good. And the construction sector is no exception to this rule....
The message is clear: safety at work is Implenia’s top priority – always and everywhere. A visit to the major railway...
We are currently using a vertical shaft sinking machine to produce four shafts below groundwater level that will provide...
To keep the traffic flowing safely, it is vital that no water can drip though the roof of the newly built Förbifart...
In September 2018, Implenia was awarded a contract by the City of Stockholm to build a bus station inside Katarina...
Can you really lay pipes for hundreds of metres without digging up the ground? You can with E-Power Pipe. Implenia...
Together with architects Duplex and engineers WaltGalmarini, Implenia is building Switzerland’s first timber high-rise:...
It’s the latest trend: future owners at the Lokstadt development in Winterthur can use a digital configurator to...
On construction sites, as everywhere else in life, things can go wrong. Oil and fuel leaks are a typical hazard, and...
Germany’s construction industry is very disputatious. The A7 Altona Tunnel project team wants to do things better and is...
Stricter rules on water quality prompted our team in Stockholm to search for innovative technologies. The solution it...
Get the compact, easy-to-read winter 2021 issue of the magazine for Implenia employees as a printable PDF file