Implenia Talk: Welcome Wincasa!

The background
At the beginning of May 2023, it became official: leading Swiss real estate service provider Wincasa will be integrated into the Buildings Division as a legally and operationally independent entity. As a result, 1,350 Wincasa employees will join the Implenia Group. A new chapter is beginning in the history of the two companies. What prompted Implenia to go on the bridal show? How does the sold bride find her new husband? And where are the opportunities for employees on both sides? The two top Wincasa executives provide the answers.
Implenia Talk: Background to listen to
Give your eyes a break and get some information through your headphones - whether you're on your way to work, at work or on a walk in between. In our new podcast format, we highlight topics and developments that shape our work environment and let our employees have their say. Do you have any requests or suggestions for topics and possible guests? Then write to us at We look forward to an exciting exchange.