The final blast is detonated in Johannelund

Furthermore, both the blasting work for the rock tunnel and the work on the interchanges are nearing completion. This summer, Implenia Sweden detonated the final blast in the Johannelund project, which is a part of the Bypass, and the Swedish Transport Administration (Trafikverket) now reports that 98 % of the total rock tunnel has been excavated. This corresponds to approximately 6.9 million m³ cubic meters of rock or 12 massive arenas.
Implenia Sweden AB was awarded the project for the construction of FSE403 Johannelund in 2015 for a contract sum of SEK 2.1 billion. The project involves the construction of two parallel road tunnels, each 3.6 km long, with four connecting ramp tunnels, four vertical shafts for ventilation with diameters of 10 m and depths ranging from 30-50m, and escape tunnels. Johannelund is part of the E4 Stockholm Bypass. 18 km of the 21 km long road stretch runs through rock tunnels, and along the tunnel's route, there are ramp tunnels connecting to above-ground interchanges.”
E4 Förbifart, Johannelund Tunnel
The bypass “Förbifart” Stockholm is a link between the north and south of the capital of Sweden and intends to relieve the traffic through the city. The 21 km long bypass motorway, of which approximately 17 km are underground in a depth of up to 70 m, is divided into six lots. With the 3.6 km long Johannelund tunnel (Lot FSE 403), Implenia won the contract for one of the first lots.
Start of construction: January 2015
Completion: January 2024
Overall length: 12’000 m
Construction volume (services by Implenia): EUR 254 million