
Aarau Cantonal Hospital - built on data

It was a first on this scale for everyone involved: the shell of the new Aarau Cantonal Hospital (KSA) was realized using the BIM2Field method without plans on the construction site. Implenia subsequently launched a BIM2Field pilot test for the interior fit-out. In this interview, Patric Sommer, Senior BIM Manager at Implenia, talks about the challenges and lessons learned on Switzerland's largest new hospital building.

What does BIM2Field actually mean? Patric Sommer: Put simply, the BIM2Field method is the continuation of the digital chain from planning to the construction site. There are no more 2D plans on the construction site; everyone involved communicates using digital building models. These detailed, three-dimensional representations contain geometric information about the shape, size and position of the construction elements as well as semantic information about materials, costs, schedules and other relevant data. This information is called up on site on a tablet or in the digital plan house. Components such as formwork elements or walls are precisely measured using a total station.

The new KSA building "Dreiklang" in brief:

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