"I want to continue my personal growth through interesting projects."

How long have you been with Implenia and where were you before?
I have been with Implenia since January 2017. Previously, I worked as a geologist/geotechnical engineer for a company specialising in geotechnical engineering (exploratory drilling, geotechnical test laboratory, engineering office). I have also worked in mining in Scandinavia, where I gained experience in underground mining.
What brought you to Implenia?
I felt like working in a tunnel that combined skills from the mining sector and all the geological and geotechnical tasks I had previously been able to do. I was lucky enough to join the company at the time of the realisation of the Grand Paris Express project.
What major projects have you been involved in so far?
At Implenia, I was involved in the Grand Paris Express. Now we have just completed the CERN construction site near Geneva, where I was Geotechnical Manager. We created new structures there at a depth of 90 m, which include an 80 m deep shaft that leads into a cavern, and a network of tunnels. Today I am Geological Manager on the TELT CO08 construction site, where the railway link between Turin in Italy and Lyon in France is to be built. It involves building two parallel tunnels of 2'838 m in length.
What would you describe as your speciality?
Digging tunnels using the traditional method. Because it allows all facets of the geologist's profession to be put into practice, from checking the existing geology to validating or optimising the excavation. And, of course, a more contractual part associated with the preparation of claims dossiers.
What do you like about your work?
I am lucky to have a profession where you have to constantly adapt to new situations. You need to find the right balance between the geological context and the production constraints. It is above all a team effort and this aspect is really motivating. Every new project is different and brings different problems. You need to understand the new geological context quickly to define the problems and opportunities for the site.
An example of an exciting task?
I really enjoyed working on the final lining of an 80 m long shaft at CERN using slipforms. Working on the concrete formulations up to the installation under difficult conditions (summer heat and chimney effect) due to the nature of the construction site was an extremely motivating and enriching experience.
«Implenia is one of the few companies that offers its employees the opportunity to broaden their horizons»
Aurélien Dotte
What do you like about Implenia?
Implenia is one of the few companies that offers its employees the opportunity to broaden their horizons. You are taken out of your comfort zone to develop yourself, and I think that is a real opportunity that is offered to us. We can make suggestions and carry out a job in its entirety without being limited to our own area of expertise. This cross-disciplinary approach to the profession is important because it also allows us to be more efficient by understanding and integrating the limitations of others.
How does Implenia live its values?
Implenia has the strength of being a company of integrity that keeps its commitments. You also find the will to produce high-quality work that everyone can be proud of. These are important values in today's world.
How do you see your future at Implenia?
I want to continue working on interesting projects, whether in France or internationally. It is important for me to develop both in terms of my skills, knowledge and responsibilities. To constantly learn from every experience and from other professionals, to pass on the skills I have acquired: All this is crucial to move forward.
A term that describes you?