Confident leadership
"Leading@Implenia" is aimed at managers with up to two years of management experience and is designed to enable them to master challenging situations while reflecting on and further developing their own leadership style. The program consists of a total of five modules and lasts 4.5 days, including self-study and self-directed group work. A total of 9 groups of 20 participants will complete the program in German, French, Norwegian and Swedish in the first year of implementation.
Jens Vollmar, Head Division Buildings, Country President Switzerland and designated CEO (from 1 April 2025) explains the intention behind this large-scale management training: "With Leading@Implenia, we want to prepare our new managers specifically for their tasks as supervisors at Implenia: geared to our specific requirements and based on our Leadership Principles."

"Leadership principles help to bring our values to life."
Carmen Contarini, Head People Development
The Implenia Leadership Principles are at the heart of the program. These formulate expectations of managers in terms of knowledge and understanding, skills and attitude. Carmen Contarini, Head People Development at Implenia Switzerland and responsible for the program, emphasizes: "Leadership principles are important so that our company can fulfil its mission and implement its strategy. At the same time, we bring our values to life."
The principles provide an objective benchmark for self-assessment and for holding oneself and others to account, she emphasizes. "It's about understanding what the expectations of a good leader at Implenia are, what you personally want to stand for and what still needs to be done to achieve this."
In terms of content and form, the program offers a colorful bouquet of offerings over the course of four months. In addition to traditional face-to-face teaching, there are also impulse events via teams, e-learning and self-study and group study. Also on the program: dialogue with members of Implenia's Executive Management.
And how is the program being received by graduates? Maria Röllin, Real Estate Site Manager at Wincasa, explains: "It was exciting to hear about the challenges faced by managers in completely different areas. I have the impression that problems in construction in particular – because they are also relevant to safety – are addressed very quickly and directly. A good approach for my area too. I was also able to network with many new people within the Implenia Group."
Harouna Ouedraogo, Senior Site Manager at Civil Engineering in Germany and who has been in management positions for some time, emphasizes: "The program is also a clear enrichment for experienced managers: it offers both confirmation that you are already doing a lot of things well and concrete ideas for improvements in everyday life." And Michael Kuhn, Channel Manager/Product Owner & apprenticeship trainer in the Marketing/Communications team, says: "Leading@Implenia is a first-class program that not only conveys leadership principles and values, but also makes them tangible. With practical best practices and inspiring exchanges, the program provides valuable impetus for successful leadership – highly recommended!"
What is good leadership? And what does Implenia expect from its managers? Members of the Implenia Executive Committee explain their point of view:
Jens Vollmar, Head Division Buildings, Country President Switzerland and designated CEO

"For me personally, good leadership means motivating employees to deliver top performance in our projects and for Implenia. Everyone should understand where we want to go as a Group and how they can contribute. That's how we achieve Implenia Excellence together as a team."
Anita Eckardt, Head Division Specialties

"Leadership means taking responsibility. We develop Implenia successfully by focusing on the needs of our customers and anticipating changes in society and our industry. In doing so, we act sustainably with regard to the economic efficiency of our environment and our employees."
Erwin Scherer, Head Division Civil Engineering

"Our managers should be role models and set a good example. This means encouraging our employees, inspiring them and involving them in the implementation of our strategy. Our line managers effectively manage the risks and opportunities of our business and create a safe working environment."
Adrian Wyss, Head Division Real Estate

"Innovation is a key success factor for Implenia. As managers, we have to question Implenia's business model and constantly adapt it to the requirements of our markets and customers. This requires a climate in which everyone can contribute their ideas. Collaboration with partners such as universities, institutes and start-ups is also important in order to generate new impetus for our business."
Claudia Bidwell, CHRO