“You can’t be afraid to fail"

Today, a considerable percentage of civil engineering projects struggle to break even, and it’s no secret that there is room for improvement. Ahmed Rashid is Head of Planning at Implenia Norway, and believes Lean working is the answer. “To me, Lean is a process to become more efficient by being more curious, transparent and communicating better,” he says.
One step ahead
Curiosity is exactly Rashid’s approach to Lean. “I always try to be one step ahead of the competition. I see Implenia Norway as a frontrunner that constantly challenges the established truths, using new technological solutions to do things in a new way”, he says.
«I see Implenia Norway as a frontrunner that constantly challenges the established truths, using new technological solutions to do things in a new way.»
Ahmed Rashid, Head of Planning at Implenia Norway
Rashid admits that being a frontrunner comes with a risk of failing – after all, a lot of what he is doing is unchartered territory. “It’s true, but if you’re afraid to fail, you risk being stuck in a rut that’s not really working. I always try to focus on where we are going and what we want to achieve. If we fail – ok, but at least we learned something”, he says.
Customized Lean Program
Norway is a pioneer within Implenia in being the first country to try out a combination of the Lean method Last Planner® and VisiLean. Last Planner is a method which facilitates project planning, while VisiLean is a tool that makes it easier for everyone involved to communicate and work transparently.
“By collaborating with VisiLean, we get a tool tailored to our needs. We do adjustments as we go to make sure we have a Lean tool that is optimal for our use”, Rashid says. For instance, VisiLean has a unique integration with BIM that allows Implenia to visualize production plans and send and receive live updates on mobile devices.
«We want to explore all the possibilities of this tool rather than focusing on the limits.»
Ahmed Rashid
Rashid explains that his dream is to make VisiLean even more aligned with Implenia’s needs in order to achieve better results, and he is now looking at how to incorporate other areas such as sustainability. “We want to explore all the possibilities of this tool rather than focusing on the limits. We have to push the boundaries if we want to be ahead of the curve,” Rashid says.
A culture of trust and communication
In making the most of VisiLean, Rashid hopes to gain the confidence of subcontractors by sharing a great collaboration tool. This in turn will promote a culture of trust and better communication. And Implenia Norway is off to a great start: “I’m proud and impressed with how adaptable everyone has been toward Lean, and the enthusiasm my colleagues continue to show. Every single person matters on our path to excelling in Lean and strengthening our position as front runners,” Rashid asserts.
Meet Ahmed Rashid
Job title: Head of Planning, Implenia Norway
Age: 44
Location: Oslo, Norway
What is the best part of your job?
That every day we are trying to find a way to evolve and be a little bit better than we were yesterday. By constantly finding new ways, we can improve in our daily operations.
What is your life goal?
To keep on learning and strive to be better at what I’m doing. No matter if it’s in my fatherhood, professional role or as a basketball coach.
Who would you most like to be stuck in an elevator with?
Phil Jackson, former coach for the Chicago Bulls. I admire the way he succeeded in getting strong egos to play as a team and shine brighter together!