Health & Safety Awards 2021
1st Place – Düdingenplus, Switzerland
Clear structures for accident prevention
Up to 80 employees work at peak times on this large bilingual construction site, so the implementation of safety measures has to be very well structured. A good example of this is the digitalised safety inspections that help to identify and eliminate potential risks.

2nd place – Noise abatement walls team, Germany
Accident-free through the night
The team works eight out of twelve months under time pressure during the night as trains continue to pass by. The fact that this work has gone on for six years without an accident is due to close cooperation in the preparation phase, thanks to which everyone knows where they need to be and what dangers could occur.

3rd place – Project CERN, France
Spreading the message through personal experiences
The team led by Michel Leandri interviewed five colleagues who described their experiences as victims of construction site accidents. The impact of the video comes from the authenticity of the reports and the immediate relevance to the day-to-day working environment, prompting valuable discussions in team meetings.

Project metro Lyon, France
Umgang mit gefährlichen Materialien
Simplified safety data sheets are put up as close to possible to where chemicals are used so employees can learn more about the products they are handling. As a result they can protect themselves more effectively and respond quickly when needed. Project description
HOW WE’RE BUILDING IN LYON: Watch the milestone video

Project E16, Norway
Daily focus on safety
Health & Safety Coordinator Anette Sørensen, uses daily tours, team discussions and weekly planning and reporting sessions with the construction site team to ensure that health and safety stay right at the top of the agenda.