Note «Ausgezeichnet» in CEEQUAL-Nachhaltigkeitsbewertung für Stockholmer U-Bahn-Projekt

CEEQUAL, short for "The Civil Engineering Environmental Quality Assessment and Award Scheme", is a sustainability certification system used to assess, evaluate and increase sustainability performance in infrastructure projects.
“This is our first CEEQUAL project so we are incredibly happy and proud of the result! We see great benefits from working with CEEQUAL as a tool as this structure and working method challenges and helps the business to improve sustainability work”, says Therese Rönnkvist-Mickelson, Sustainability Manager at Implenia Sverige AB.
The overall assessment for the “Work Londonviadukten - Whole Team Award” is 83.3%, which is well above the set goal of 60%, and the total grade for all three phases (planning, design, execution).
“Our goal was to reach 60% ("Very Good") for the entire project, which we achieved with flying colors! Many thanks to everyone involved in the project work tunnel London viaduct!”, says Production Manager Niklas Hallström.
“Working according to CEEQUAL has exceeded all of our expectations. We work largely with the issues in CEEQUAL as part of our management system for the project. We have had a very good collaboration with our customer! We have had joint meetings continuously where issues have been discussed”, says Helena Andell, environmental coordinator at Implenia Sweden.
“For Implenia Sweden, additional CEEQUAL certifications will be relevant in 2022 and in the coming years. We are currently working on two other projects within the Administration for the Extended Subway (FUT) that will be CEEQUAL-certified, the Hagalund work tunnel and the Sofia project! We strive for equally good results in these projects!”, says Therese Rönnkvist-Mickelson.

The sustainability certification system CEEQUAL
CEEQUAL, a British system launched internationally in 2011, is a tool for assessing and rating how well construction projects have handled sustainability issues. The purpose of CEEQUAL is to create a systematic handling of sustainability issues, which gives the customer greater weight and thus makes the sustainability work visible. The CEEQUAL certification encourages clients, designers and contractors to do more than legal requirements in the area of sustainability to increase the project's sustainability performance. CEEQUAL is a relatively new certification system on the Swedish market. The CEEQUAL manual consists of 9 chapters with a total of about 200 issues in the areas planning, design, production.
Rating scale:
- Passport (≥ 30% of available points)
- Good (≥ 45%)
- Very good (≥ 60%)
- Excellent (≥ 75%)
- Outstanding (≥ 90%)