Space for encounters and exchange

Around two years ago, Wincasa launched the Real Estate Community Management service with the aim of revitalizing mixed-use sites with different uses. Tenant workshops, pop-ups, lunch & learn events and networking events serve to bring tenants closer together and create new meeting places on the shared property.
(Pictures © Adrian Bretscher)
Wincasa is now supplementing this offering with housing estate coaching. The focus here is on promoting positive neighborhood development in housing estates. Specially trained employees in estate and neighborhood management ensure that projects and measures take a participatory approach. Direct, personal exchange on site and cooperation are very important when it comes to implementing revitalizing measures. Wincasa takes care of security, promotes local offers and local partnerships and actively involves tenants in projects.
Find out more about how Wincasa sustainably revitalizes residential areas
With Estate Coaching & Real Estate Community Management (RECM), Wincasa thus creates a service package that contributes to peaceful and lively coexistence – regardless of the existing uses on a property. This creates places that are attractive and successful in the long term. In this way, Wincasa makes a decisive contribution to social sustainability, reduces vacancy rates and increases tenant satisfaction.