The perfectly coordinated construction site
Construction is becoming increasingly complex. Ambitious schedules, cost and quality targets can often only be met if everything really does run smoothly. To guarantee this, construction logistics professionals support the project management in the background and keep the construction site as a whole in good shape.
Bianca Bräscher, junior project manager for the Cellforce construction site in Kirchentellisfurt, lists just a few of her tasks: "Here on the construction site, for example, we are responsible for site safety. This includes an access container. We check that no one has access to the construction site without authorization. We are also responsible for space management and make sure that not every single company takes any space and no one knows where to find what anymore. And we are responsible for disposal logistics: We support the trades with disposal so that they can work according to their actual tasks by taking over the peripheral services here."

Important in all these activities: the topic of sustainability. BCL ensures sorted disposal and seamless recycling of recyclable materials.
The team also takes over when things have to happen quickly: At the Cellforce construction site, for example, the team had to procure, erect and set up the construction containers within a very short time. "If the material had been ordered regularly, it would have taken four months," says Wolfgang Abfalter, who manages the southern region for BCL. "To manage something like this, you need contacts and a lot of experience."
Delays are not an option in the client's ambitious schedule, as Thorsten Höllermann, project manager at Cellforce, emphasizes: "In Kirchentellinsfurt, Cellforce GmbH is building a development and production center for high-performance lithium-ion battery cells for automotive applications. We are pursuing a very ambitious schedule in this regard and want to set up our production and development site within the shortest possible time."
When asked about the biggest challenges in this project, he answers without hesitation: "Mastering the complexity within a short period of time! This depends on a perfectly coordinated sequence of all construction and building trades. A piece of the puzzle for successful completion on schedule is, of course, also the site organization. In this respect, construction logistics are of great importance in the overall conglomerate."
The Cellforce project
In addition to the necessary administrative facilities, a state-of-the-art development and pilot production site for battery cell technology is to be built at the new corporate headquarters of the Cellforce Group. Here, research and development will focus primarily on cell chemistry. In addition to the relevant research facilities, a pilot production facility will be built for the small-scale production of battery cells, as the batteries developed will also have to be tested. In addition, the Cellforce Group is building a state-of-the-art powerhouse, which will enable the company to manage its own energy requirements efficiently and sustainably.

Increasing complexity, tight space constraints and tight timeframes on construction sites make functioning logistics increasingly important. With its wide range of services, BCL ensures that the trades can concentrate fully on their core tasks. Bianca Bräscher is convinced: "By organizing and managing construction sites efficiently, we make construction more efficient, more cost-effective, easier to plan and more sustainable.
Construction logistics
Innovative construction logistics increase the productivity of construction projects. Implenia subsidiary BCL manages all logistical processes and guarantees safety on the construction site. Consulting, planning and execution - all from a single source and supported by digital services.