A fast-track career

We meet Jerôme Meier on a large construction site in Zurich. As part of an apprentice project, he is currently managing up to 20 apprentices here. He has been employed by Implenia as a foreman since November 2024.
Jerôme, how did you come to be a foreman at the age of 21?
I knew early on that I wanted to take the next step in my career quickly, so I signed up for further training to become a foreman at Campus Sursee in my third year of my apprenticeship and started it straight after my apprenticeship. Parallel to the further training, I gained the two years of professional experience required for the final examination to become a foreman. This allowed me to take the exam after exactly two years and one month – it would hardly have been possible any quicker.
What was your motivation?
First and foremost, a very personal one. My father – who works as a foreman in construction himself – didn't entirely agree with my career choice, at least at the beginning. Maybe he just wanted to protect me. I wanted to prove that it was the right thing for me and also show that I could progress quickly and have a career.
Wide range of training and further education opportunities

Implenia trains apprentices and offers special trainee programs for graduates of universities and universities of applied sciences. In addition, there is a specific specialist career program for construction employees, which shows possible career steps and related training, as well as a range of training courses for professional and personal development, which includes cross-divisional seminars in addition to country-specific courses.
How has Implenia supported you on your career path so far?
Adrian Geissmann was a very good, albeit strict, mentor. Looking back, I realized that he always wanted the best for all of us and taught us a lot. I was also always well supported by the foremen. I also had the green light with regard to my further training: after a brief discussion, it was clear that I could start the foreman school, although it was a very early next step.
Do you already have plans for your future career?
First I have to do my military service. But I'm actually already looking for the next suitable step: in two or three years, I'd like to start foreman school or complete further training in construction management/site management.
What is your balance to work?
Construction can be stressful. I keep work and private life largely separate and make sure I don't take the job home with me. I also do a bit of sport on the side.