IMPACT-Leserumfrage: Projekte und Menschen hoch im Kurs

Have you checked your letter box today? In December it will be worth a look: The new IMPACT will be sent by post hot off the press to all Implenia staff, except the team in Sweden, but including retired staff in Switzerland. Some will be looking forward to the post, some not so much – as our reader survey in summer 2021 showed. 354 of you took part in it in July and August. Here are the most important findings and what we are doing about them.
For most of you, IMPACT is something you read at home: Almost three quarters of all respondents said that the place they read the magazine is not far from their letter box.
In print or online? The priorities here are not as clear. Today, 44% of you read the print version of IMPACT, while 37% consume its content online on a PC. It is a similar story when it comes to what you want in the future: While most of you like the combination of a print and an online version, 44% do not need the print version at all; 15% do not need the online version.
We’re listening to your feedback: the print version is here to stay.
Even though many of you could imagine a future without IMPACT in print, the print version still has many important and loyal readers. It is a vital source of news about Implenia, especially for those who do not work at a computer. At the same time, it allows family and friends to easily take a look at the magazine and get an idea of what you all get up to at Implenia every day. The print version of IMPACT is also displayed at our sites, giving our guests exciting insights into the company. We want to keep that in the future.
Good news for us: you read IMPACT. A lot. 78% said that they read more than five articles per issue; 25% even read the magazine from cover to cover. Thank you! In addition, 66% of you said that family members and house mates also take a look at the magazine, gaining an idea of what your employer does.
You have clear priorities when it comes to content. Reports on practical work and people are your favourites. You are also fascinated by exciting new technologies, but not so interested in strategy and planning topics, or sustainability.
IMPACT reader survey: You find
We’re listening to your feedback: more reports on projects and people
We want IMPACT to inspire you all and give you an overview of what Implenia is doing all over the world and in a huge range of fields. There are so many examples. In future, we will spend even more time on our construction sites and with our project teams, demonstrating how intelligently we are developing the world of tomorrow all together.
More dialogue? You’re not so sure. At the end of the survey, we asked you how much you want to comment on articles and share them on social media. Just 17% definitely wanted a comment function, 43% said maybe. In fact, 40% did not want this at all. You were also split on whether you want to share content on social media: 63% said yes or maybe, 74% no or maybe.
We’re listening to your feedback: IMPACT will be more present on social media
Although most of you are not desperate to comment on articles, social media is becoming ever more important for sharing exciting content. For us, that means that we will be consistently distributing articles from IMPACT via our social media channels, too, in future. Follow us on LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and TikTok and let your personal network share in your working world!