Wie baut ihr am Marienhof gemeinschaftlich?

Joint Venture Team: Project Management
Together, they steer the progress of the Marienhof joint venture: Overall Project Manager Jens Classen (Implenia, left on the picture) and his deputy, Construction Manager Michael Müller (HOCHTIEF). While a traditional set-up would require one partner to provide the technical project management and the other the commercial management, the team at Marienhof is more strongly staffed due to the importance of the project. Michael Müller is primarily responsible for the operational side of the business, while simultaneously ensuring that HOCHTIEF is also always kept up to date on all technical decisions. “On a personal level, we get along very well, and together we have created the trust required to ensure that the joint venture acts in the best interests of both organizations,” explains Jens Classen. “I am proud that we have managed everything so well and that our construction site is regarded as a lighthouse project for successful joint ventures.”
Joint Venture Team: Planning Coordination
Peter Allgeier (Implenia, left on the picture) and Sven Seeger (HOCHTIEF) are responsible for the demanding task of planning coordination at Marienhof. “Basically, we make sure that what is planned can actually be implemented,” explains Peter Allgeier. The young engineer appreciates the fact that he has been able to gain his first experience in planning coordination on this project, drawing on the much greater wealth of experience of his older colleague Sven Seeger. The experienced engineer, in turn, is pleased with the constructive and pleasant cooperation within the joint venture: “We are definitely partners. Due to the fact that different trades have to work together in a confined space, there are very significant interfaces. We try to reconcile everything and guarantee construction progress. Typically, a loss of information is to be expected, but that has not been the case in this instance.”

Joint Venture Team: Geotechnical Site Management
Hermann Hirsch (Implenia) and Carola Wieser (HOCHTIEF), both of whom are from Munich, complement each other perfectly: The experienced civil engineer has almost four decades of practical experience, helped build the subway in Munich, and is very well connected in the city. When it comes to contractually coordinating the planning of dewatering with the client and technicians, for example, he is completely in his element. Carola Wieser, who holds a doctorate in engineering and hydrogeology, started as as trainee at HOCHTIEF and has the necessary patience for figures and geomonitoring. Among other things, she evaluates the data from a measuring system comprised of some 2,000 measuring units, which serves as an early warning system to ensure that construction does not affect existing buildings or the subway tunnel systems.

Joint Venture Team: Building Information Modeling (BIM)
André Wesch (Implenia, left) and Markus Wessels (HOCHTIEF) are responsible for surveying, geomonitoring, data management, and Building Information Modeling (BIM) on the Marienhof project. Together, they have developed a method to quickly and easily calculate excavated soil based on iPad-based 3D scans. “To be honest, we came up with the idea by accident, and now we have a fantastic solution,” explains Markus Wessels. They are currently playing out the installation of rebar in the 3D model as part of a pilot project for civil engineering in Germany before actual construction work begins—and they complement each other perfectly. “Markus is a geoinformatician and is, therefore, a specialist when it comes to surveying, geomonitoring, and data management. I know my way around 3D models. The collaboration is a lot of fun,” emphasizes André Wesch.

Joint Venture Team: Construction Management Engineering
Anton Schmuttermeier (HOCHTIEF) and Louise Lund (Implenia) have both been working on the Marienhof project since 2019—Louise is the only Implenia employee on the civil engineering team. “However, nobody ever says anything about that,” Toni explains. “With us, no one bakes their own bread. It is all about the joint project.” The young civil engineers agree that it is a tremendous opportunity to work with experienced colleagues and benefit from their experience: “Our senior construction manager and senior foreman both have over 30 years of experience. When a problem arises, one of us comes up with a solution. Then, however, we always analyze it as a team and discuss weak points as well as possible additions. That way, all the know-how and experience is shared, and we all learn something new with every single problem.”