Achtung, Gefahr! Warum Schutzausrüstung genau sitzen muss

Implenia sets itself ambitious goals – and the field of occupational safety is no exception. The safety rules are easy to understand and clearly displayed everywhere. But accidents still happen.
Like when I tripped on the way to visit a construction site. I had bought those work boots online, ordering a size larger than usual because I had heard that they turned out smaller than advertised. I discovered my mistake when I tried them on at home, but decided that it would not matter since I usually work in the office and only wear the boots occasionally. That’s what I thought.

«Personal protective equipment MUST fit. Otherwise it is dangerous.
Felix Akeret, Global Head Safety
Felix Akeret, Global Head Safety, knows otherwise: “Personal protective equipment (PPE) MUST fit. Otherwise it is dangerous.” Boots that are too large present an increased risk of tripping. Old, worn-out footwear is also dangerous, as it does not provide enough grip and the sole may even become loose.
Felix Akeret knows that there is also a lot of work to do when it comes to safety goggles, which often do not have a tight seal. “If I can slide my little finger under my goggles when I have them on, they are not protecting my eyes.”
Boots that are too big
Boots that do not provide support
Boots that have no grip
Sole that is coming loose
Safety goggles that do not fit right
Poorly fitting protective equipment is dangerous, not least because it gives us a false sense of security. Therefore: check regularly whether it fits. If not: replace it!